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Course Details

Hadith Course

💬 Whatsapp: +92 300 4315273
💬 Skype ID: quranlearnings

With Hadith Course you will get all the proofs in the light of Ahadith about the practices of Ahlesunnat and full satisfaction in your school of thought (Hanafi, Brailve). You will also learn Islamic rulings regarding amulets (taweez), practices of Ahlesunnat and Sunnah method of performing Salah in the light of Ahadith and Hanafi jurisprudence.

What Will I Learn?
🟢 Definition of Hadees and its basic types.
🟢 What is Sunnah and Biddah?
🟢 Beliefs and routines of Ahlesunnat in the light of Hadees and much more.